I began climbing at the end of October, 2021, after moving to Portland from Iowa. Having climbed for fun a few times in college, I have now let it become a primary passion, enabling me to make new friends and connections. I'm grateful for its presence in my life.
I treat bouldering like the therapeutic solitary activity it is; when you're on the rocks, trying to figure out the next move, the singularity of it all can lead to a calm, detached state, where the only thing that exists apart from the rock face is you.
In the indoor climbing community, I am a beginner-intermediate grade climber. This means that I can climb a grade V4 problem indoors in one go (also known as flashing a problem), and maybe a grade V5 on the same day with some effort.
This page will serve as a collection of my thoughts and musings on the routes I climb. It will also help me make sense of the fascinating lingo of the climbing community I'm learing along the way.